
Hannah Reed
8 June 2022
Industrial News

If you read our blog post yesterday on the basics on keywords, what they are, and how to discover them, today we will dig a little deeper. Let’s take a look at how to analyze keywords, targeting keywords, and prioritizing keywords.

Analyzing Keywords

Having tons of keyword ideas is great, however, do you know which ones are best? After all, going through them all by hand would be a long and tedious task. There is a simple solution to this. Use SEO metrics to narrow things down and separate the keywords before adding the keywords to your content selection. Metrics include:

  • Search Volume
  • Clicks
  • Traffic
  • Cost Per Click
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For every keyword on your list, you need to create the right kind of page and content to address it. Understanding how to do this is an essential step in the keyword research process.

What is keyword targeting?

Keyword targeting is using keywords relevant to your product or service in website and ad copy to achieve a top listing in the search engines. Proper keyword research is vital to determine which keywords your business should be targeting. When it comes to keywords, your aim shouldn’t be to target everything. The key to success is knowing where your biggest traffic and revenue increases are lying. This is where implementing small changes or just making a few small adjustments and fixes can reap rich rewards.

Prioritize your List

Successful application of SEO keyword research means matching content with the potential search intent of the user. It also means understanding the types of web pages and websites that appear in existing search engine results. Keyword prioritization isn’t exactly the final step in the keyword research process. It’s more something that you should do as you go through the steps above. As you’re looking for keywords, analyzing their metrics, and grouping them together.

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